RESPeRATE aims to let users breathe their way to lower blood pressure

RESPeRATE aims to let users breathe their way to lower blood pressure

People suffering from hypertension (also known as high blood pressure) are typically advised to switch to a healthier diet, get more exercise and lose weight, plus they are often put on a combination of several medications. As of today, UK residents are now also able to get a prescription for what is definitely a different type of treatment - a system known as RESPeRATE. It monitors the patient's breathing and uses sound to guide them into taking longer, slower breaths, thus relaxing their bodies. According to its makers, multiple clinical trials have shown that it causes significant, lasting reductions in blood pressure.

RESPeRATE aims to let users breathe their way to lower blood pressure

RESPeRATE Helps You Lower Your Blood Pressure - SlashGear

RESPeRATE aims to let users breathe their way to lower blood pressure

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RESPeRATE aims to let users breathe their way to lower blood pressure

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RESPeRATE aims to let users breathe their way to lower blood pressure

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RESPeRATE aims to let users breathe their way to lower blood pressure

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RESPeRATE aims to let users breathe their way to lower blood pressure

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RESPeRATE aims to let users breathe their way to lower blood pressure

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RESPeRATE aims to let users breathe their way to lower blood pressure

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