Giant moths that resemble hummingbirds appear all over the Bay Area

Giant moths that resemble hummingbirds appear all over the Bay Area

Giant moths that resemble hummingbirds appear all over the Bay Area

Diane Winkler was hiking with her wife about a week ago at Point Reyes National Seashore when she spotted something that drew her up short. “Along the Abbotts Lagoon Trail, we got to a boardwalk where there's a marsh and beautiful flowers,” say Winkler, an amateur photographer from Oakland. “We saw all these little things floating around, and at first I thought, 'Aww, these are hummingbirds!'” When she got closer she saw that, in fact, they were not birds. They were giant moths with wingspans of nearly 4 inches, sucking sweet nectar from the flowers with long, snaking proboscises.

Giant moths that resemble hummingbirds appear all over the Bay Area

A case of moth envy: hummingbird moths of our area

Giant moths that resemble hummingbirds appear all over the Bay Area

Black-chinned & Rufous Hummingbirds, White-lined Sphinx Moths and Monarch Butterflies – Mia McPherson's On The Wing Photography

Giant moths that resemble hummingbirds appear all over the Bay Area

A Couple of Cool Santa Barbara Moths - The Santa Barbara Independent

Giant moths that resemble hummingbirds appear all over the Bay Area

Hummingbird Clearwing Hemaris thysbe (Fabricius, 1775)

Giant moths that resemble hummingbirds appear all over the Bay Area

Maine's Most Beautiful Insect is the Hummingbird Moth

Giant moths that resemble hummingbirds appear all over the Bay Area

What's the difference between a moth and a butterfly? – Daily Democrat

Giant moths that resemble hummingbirds appear all over the Bay Area

Hovering White-lined Sphinx Moth Getting Nectar - Mia McPherson's On The Wing Photography

Giant moths that resemble hummingbirds appear all over the Bay Area

Insect Identification

Giant moths that resemble hummingbirds appear all over the Bay Area

Photos: Sphinx moths, which look like hummingbirds, invade the Bay Area

Giant moths that resemble hummingbirds appear all over the Bay Area

Late Summer White-lined Sphinx Moth Images - Mia McPherson's On The Wing Photography

Giant moths that resemble hummingbirds appear all over the Bay Area

Big Moths Mistaken for Hummingbirds Descend on the Bay Area

Giant moths that resemble hummingbirds appear all over the Bay Area

Giant moths that resemble hummingbirds appear all over the Bay Area

Giant moths that resemble hummingbirds appear all over the Bay Area

What is the hummingbird look-a-like buzzing around your garden?

Giant moths that resemble hummingbirds appear all over the Bay Area

Atlas Moth California Academy of Sciences