Avoid cooking hot food with plastic utensils because toxic chemicals 'could leach into your dinner

Avoid cooking hot food with plastic utensils because toxic chemicals 'could  leach into your dinner

Avoid cooking hot food with plastic utensils because toxic chemicals 'could leach into your dinner

German researchers say many plastic kitchen utensils contain harmful substances called oligomers which could be transferred to cooking food at temperatures above 70°C (158°F).

Avoid cooking hot food with plastic utensils because toxic chemicals 'could  leach into your dinner

How Bad Is It Really to Microwave Plastic?

Avoid cooking hot food with plastic utensils because toxic chemicals 'could  leach into your dinner

Bring Your Own Container Every Time You Dine Out - Zero-Waste Chef

Avoid cooking hot food with plastic utensils because toxic chemicals 'could  leach into your dinner

The 5 Steps to Create a Toxic Chemical Free Kitchen - Force of Nature

Avoid cooking hot food with plastic utensils because toxic chemicals 'could  leach into your dinner

Pros & Cons of Wooden Spoons & All Other Spoons

Avoid cooking hot food with plastic utensils because toxic chemicals 'could  leach into your dinner

Non-Toxic Cookware & Kitchen Utensils Guide

Avoid cooking hot food with plastic utensils because toxic chemicals 'could  leach into your dinner

What's Safe Cookware? And How to Find It

Avoid cooking hot food with plastic utensils because toxic chemicals 'could  leach into your dinner

10 Foods You Might Want To Avoid Cooking In Aluminum Foil

Avoid cooking hot food with plastic utensils because toxic chemicals 'could  leach into your dinner

Eco-novice: Eat Less Plastic: 33 Ways to Keep Plastic Chemicals Out of Your Family's Diet

Avoid cooking hot food with plastic utensils because toxic chemicals 'could  leach into your dinner

The Dirty Truth About Plastic Cookware - bambu

Avoid cooking hot food with plastic utensils because toxic chemicals 'could  leach into your dinner

Is plastic microwave-safe? The short answer: often no. - Vox

Avoid cooking hot food with plastic utensils because toxic chemicals 'could  leach into your dinner

The Scary Toxins Hiding in Your Cookware and Storage Containers