Replying to @momreput8tion he's over my antics at this point

Replying to @momreput8tion he's over my antics at this point

Replying to @momreput8tion he's over my antics at this point

Replying to @momreput8tion he's over my antics at this point

Thoughts on how to respond? BPDMothers reaction when it took me 4 hours to respond to her text message. Seems like an opportunity to set a boundary. : r/raisedbyborderlines

Replying to @momreput8tion he's over my antics at this point

Replying to @johnwicksdogoo let's hope I can duet this a year from now, guasha

Replying to @momreput8tion he's over my antics at this point

I LOVE ME SOME @Owala . #owala #owalafreesip #owalacup #hotpinkowala #, Owala

Replying to @momreput8tion he's over my antics at this point

Unboxing the NEW Simple Modern Limited Edition Prism Trek Tumbler 👀

Replying to @momreput8tion he's over my antics at this point

Please, Please, It's Too Much Winning. We Can't Take It Any More.

Replying to @momreput8tion he's over my antics at this point

He says, “I don't want to make things stressful” then proceeds to make, martyr definition

Replying to @momreput8tion he's over my antics at this point

Reply to @pmed1 I still need my man to open my jars tho.. #samsclub #

Replying to @momreput8tion he's over my antics at this point

Replying to @ThirdJupiter Fewer options overall exist for a low cervix, high cervical position

Replying to @momreput8tion he's over my antics at this point

OWALA 4 the win 😚 #stanleycup #owala