Plastics  Umweltbundesamt

Plastics Umweltbundesamt

Certain types of products such as packaging, electrical devices and cars are made of plastic in whole or in part, and at some point become waste. In the interest of recovering these plastics, various regulations of producer responsibility have been enacted with the goal of ensuring that these materials are optimally recycled.

Plastics  Umweltbundesamt

Integrating High-Resolution Material Flow Data into the

Plastics  Umweltbundesamt

Plastics in the environment: Transport, building sectors and

Plastics  Umweltbundesamt

European Strategy for Plastics: Good approach, but too unclear

Plastics  Umweltbundesamt

Why recycled ocean plastic is (often) a lie

Plastics  Umweltbundesamt

Life cycle environmental impacts of chemical recycling via

Plastics  Umweltbundesamt

Why every government should adopt a Deposit Return Scheme

Plastics  Umweltbundesamt

Kampf dem Plastikmüll im Meer

Plastics  Umweltbundesamt

Bioplastics for a circular economy

Plastics  Umweltbundesamt

Plastics Umweltbundesamt

Plastics  Umweltbundesamt

Global environmental losses of plastics across their value chains

Plastics  Umweltbundesamt

PDF) Potential environmental impacts of a plastic waste export ban