Found this 4x6ft 1/4” thick rubber mat at the Home Depot for about $30. Flipped it over so the flat side is up and have been using it with the rack and

Found this 4x6ft 1/4” thick rubber mat at the Home Depot for about $30.  Flipped it over so the flat side is up and have been using it with the rack  and

Found this 4x6ft 1/4” thick rubber mat at the Home Depot for about $30. Flipped it over so the flat side is up and have been using it with the rack and

Rubber-Cal's Corrugated Fine Ribbed Rubber Matting is 1/8 in. thick protective floor coverings that are available in an assortment of lengths and in a 48 in. width. This ribbed rubber (also known as corrugated rubber) product is a water resistant flooring, ideal for use anywhere were/excess moisture is present. These non-slip mats offer excellent traction with finer grooves and more ribs than other industrial rubber mats.

Found this 4x6ft 1/4” thick rubber mat at the Home Depot for about $30.  Flipped it over so the flat side is up and have been using it with the rack  and

Rubber-Cal Fine-rib Corrugated Rubber Floor Mats - 1/8 in x 4 ft x 6 ft Black Rubber Runners

Found this 4x6ft 1/4” thick rubber mat at the Home Depot for about $30.  Flipped it over so the flat side is up and have been using it with the rack  and

4x6 Rubber Mat

Found this 4x6ft 1/4” thick rubber mat at the Home Depot for about $30.  Flipped it over so the flat side is up and have been using it with the rack  and

4x6 Rubber Mats

The Diamond-Plate is designed after the classic metal diamond-pattern design. This is regular pattern of raised diamonds that imbue the industrial aesthetic. Our rubber floor mats are made to floor and protect surfaces just like their metallic forefathers. But with rubber runners the end-user has the benefits of a forgiving surface that will absorb impact and shock at ultra-affordable costs. Rubber protector mats help safeguard floors and the equipment on top of the floors.

Found this 4x6ft 1/4” thick rubber mat at the Home Depot for about $30.  Flipped it over so the flat side is up and have been using it with the rack  and

Rubber-Cal Diamond Plate Rubber Flooring Rolls 1/8-Inch x 4 x 6-Feet Black

Found this 4x6ft 1/4” thick rubber mat at the Home Depot for about $30.  Flipped it over so the flat side is up and have been using it with the rack  and

Rubber - Mats - Rugs - The Home Depot